Nut Dressings.

I have read and read and read about soaking nuts to use them to make milk or salad dressings.  So I soaked 3 cups of cashews for a day and decided to make something.  After reading about a delicious red pepper dip/dressing, I decided to make my own version of it(particularly because I am sure everyone has nutritional yeast in their cupboards…I mean, who doesn’t?).  So here is a green version of this, which I will call Green Yum Yum’s.

Green Yum Yum’s Dressing/Dip/Spread:

1 cup soaked cashews

1/3 cup filtered water or alkalined or distilled

handful of spinach

1/2 avocado

salt and pepper

1 clove garlic

3 tbsp or half a lemon of juice

1 dollop of tahini, pref over 1 tbsp

Put all ingredients in blender and top off with 1 tbsp of olive oil.  Blend until chunky.  Gradually add in more olive oil and fold until a creamy smooth texture develops in the blender.


It’s soooooo yummy.  I make a spinach walnut pesto and it really reminds me of that.  Super happy.

On an additional note:  I’ve lost 6 lbs in 9 days and have way too much energy.  I did cave in to some regular red wine though simply because I have only found 1 store by me that carries sulfite free wine.  Hopefully, I find a new one soon!  But if I am so strict on everything else, a little wine concession isn’t really bringing my spirits down.  No pun intended.

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