Happy Thanksgiving!

Well even though my RAW food fast is over, I’m remaining 2/3 RAW.  I found out yesterday how much my body hates fast food and how I simply cannot overeat anymore.  Which is wonderful! 

18.2 lbs down in 29 days!

Think I’m gonna make a cranberry/beet juice concoction and I got a super healthy breakfast recipe from Shape.com to help me from veering off track.  This isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle.  And less coffee, minimal gluten are my major changes.  I would love to be 25 lbs down by Christmas and get some better sleep.  That’s really my main issue with healthy eating.  Too much energy!
I appreciate all I’ve learned.  Simplicity.


Nearing the end and I still want coffee.


I no longer have a coffee addiction BUT I am all kinds of disoriented without it.  I have energy but manage to just kind of fumble around and run into things in the morning.  Not good.  I will definitely have much more of an appreciation for good yummy coffee after this.

I am 15.6 lbs down in 23 days.  Go me.

I don’t cheat if I make the time to make food.  If it’s made, I’m not going for cheese despite the fact that I may want it.  Make sh*t ahead of time.  Check.

I think remaining 2/3 RAW will be good for my energy and psyche.  I do feel cleaner and lighter and I’d like to think I can keep going, maybe even easier now that there’s no deadline or time restrictions or anything.  You know, once the pressure is off and all.

Oops…..clients here.  More later.

Sweet Potato Puree.


Sadly, I broke my blender.  But I have a warranty on file so they better take it back!  Being raw without a blender is super hard!

Sweet Potato Puree:
1/2 sweet potato
1.5 tbsp light agave nectar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/4 cup coconut milk
2 tbsp olive oil

Add walnuts, raisins, and a sprinkle of sea salt to finish it off!

12.4 lbs down.
Still craving coffee.
Skin feels well hydrated.

Sweet Potato Puree.


Sadly, I broke my blender.  But I have a warranty on file so they better take it back!  Being raw without a blender is super hard!

Sweet Potato Puree:
1/2 sweet potato
1.5 tbsp light agave nectar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/4 cup coconut milk
2 tbsp olive oil

Add walnuts, raisins, and a sprinkle of sea salt to finish it off!

12.4 lbs down.
Still craving coffee.
Skin feels well hydrated.

11 lbs down in 18 days.

I’ve cheated.  Who hasn’t.  But I’m able to just get a taste if I want it.  Like this organic mac and cheese I made for hubby and my stepdaughter.  Old Jessica would have hid in the bathroom with a bowl and devoured it.  New Jessica just ate 2 spoonfuls and moved on to her enormous salad topped with pico de gallo.

I’m still missing coffee something fierce, but since I do have as much energy as I’ve had, I’m gonna severely cut back to 1-2 cups a day.  Before I went raw I drank as much as 8 cups a day.  Hello dehydration!

My sleep has finally begun to regulate.  Before, I felt like I had twirly eyes like they do in the cartoons.  I’m still waking up a little earlier than I’d prefer, but if I don’t need more than 8 hours sleep, then I guess I don’t.

11 lbs in 18 days.  And I was kinda off the wagon for 2 days so it possibly could have been more.  Still awesome though…..

When you fall off the horse….

And land on your back and are paralyzed for 6 weeks…metaphorically speaking, you just get back on.  I mean, you can over analyze the crap out of it like I did last night(transference, comfort, convenience, grief, scary thoughts) or you can accept that you f*ck up sometimes.  I had a horrid day yesterday.  I caved in.  And to top it off I have nightmarish PMS.  So just do better.
I’m 9.4 lbs down.  Just keep going.  I’ve kicked my coffee addiction.  I just gotta move on to my food addiction.  I’m keeping my wine addiction.  I like it.


Berry Gazpacho:
Cucumber, beet, bananas, apples, cranberries, blackberries, and raw honey.  So pretty.

I am 100% RAW today.

And I feel:

wayyyyy more energetic, less headachey, and optimistic about these 20 days.

I definitely notice how much I crave coffee still and how I am soooooo addicted.  Which is not only kind of shocking to me, but the fact that I am basically caffeine free and have this much energy is a beautiful thing.

I bought a new scale yesterday because new scale #1 was a piece of sh*t and you had to stand on it a certain way and several times to get the same number and be able to tell your weight.  However, new scale is super accurate and pointed out to me in such a blunt way that apparently I am 4 lbs heavier than first scale indicated.  I mean, I’m still 5 lbs down from when I started weaning onto RAW but 4 lbs heavier than I originally thought…….boo.

I wonder just how creative I’ll get with my raw cooking.  I still feel like I tremendously enjoy cooked food, but you just can’t argue with results.  I enjoy raw fruits and veggies but am not a huge convert on the legumes yet.  I am more appreciative of raw nuts though(no dirty pun intended).

20 days.

I got this.