When you fall off the horse….

And land on your back and are paralyzed for 6 weeks…metaphorically speaking, you just get back on.  I mean, you can over analyze the crap out of it like I did last night(transference, comfort, convenience, grief, scary thoughts) or you can accept that you f*ck up sometimes.  I had a horrid day yesterday.  I caved in.  And to top it off I have nightmarish PMS.  So just do better.
I’m 9.4 lbs down.  Just keep going.  I’ve kicked my coffee addiction.  I just gotta move on to my food addiction.  I’m keeping my wine addiction.  I like it.


Berry Gazpacho:
Cucumber, beet, bananas, apples, cranberries, blackberries, and raw honey.  So pretty.