2.2 in 2

So 2.2 lbs down in 2 days.  My veggie dish with coconut curry sauce might have been good had it actually been sweet red onion instead of regular but alas, red onion filled.  Harsh, heartburn inducing, annoying.  Disappointing.
: (
On to the next venture.
Today’s smoothie will consist of pineapples, bananas, coconut milk, pistachios, and avocado.  Rather tropical.
I’m starting to have cravings and resisting. 
Slightly sleep deprived.
I still need some tamari and Organic Sulfite free wine but I’m getting closer to having a well stocked fridge.

A Short Preview of the Sheer Insanity Viewed by the General Public.

I, Jessica K*e*g*r (I don’t want any stalkers), have decided to become a raw foodie for 20 days in November.  And provided I don’t develop some strange disease, I plan to continue eating only raw for 2/3 of my days after that.

Self control.  Something I seem to only possess for a limited time frame.  Like that time I lost 40 lbs.  And that time I lost 30 lbs.  And that time I studied to become a personal trainer.  However, I can give myself some credit.  I’m an eco-conscious vegetarian who doesn’t purchase anything animal tested.  And that took commitment.  So my track record is about even.

So what’s going to be different this time?
What’s going to keep me from waking up at 1am and sneaking out to Taco Bell or from making my 7-11 coffee stop in the morning?
My husband?
My health?
My curiosity?
I think what’s going to be different is the fact that I am ready for a spiritual awakening, a core shattering life experience, and the desire to be a better human being, the best one I can possibly be at any given time.

So what am I anticipating?

1.A stronger immune system: Being a massage therapist, I am exposed to people’s germy faces all the time.  Close quarters, lots of sneezing, you get the yucky picture.  Last winter, I was sick for 3 months.  And I’m pretty sure I infected half the male population of Metro Detroit with my cold/flu/plague.  (Sorry mankind!)

2.Weight loss:  I can genuinely drop 30 lbs pretty quick.  But I plateau super quick.  So this time, no goal!  Whatever happens, happens.  My body will decide when it’s done losing weight, and I had better just be f*cking happy with it!

3.Better skin:  I’m a facialist and am constantly trying to improve my skin.  I am almost certain that I will develop pristine skin…..even though I’m doing pretty good as is.

4.A new appreciation for raw foodies everywhere:  I’ve done the studying and this is a commitment.  I admire those hardworking men and women in their fight against preservatives and processing.

5.Decreased migraines:  I do not want to go back on medication.  The end.

The Plan

  • No dairy
  • No eggs
  • No grains
  • No coffee
  • Tea, but sunbrewed
  • Organic, sulfite free red wine only
  • No sugar
  • Raw honey
  • Alkalined water primarily

I will be monitoring my progress, health, mental state, weight loss, etc……throughout the course of this blog.  I’ll take some pictures if there are improvements shown.  Stuff like that.

I think this is the perfect time to do this.  I’m doing an online, 21 day meditation course in November, starting Course in Miracles in November, and seeing Deepak Chopra at the end of November.  Month of spirituality.

Maybe it will turn into year of spirituality.

Or decade of spirituality.

Dream big.