Welcome! Happy #fastagainstslaughter Day!

And why is the word “happy” in that title when referring to such a sad circumstance.
I’ll explain:
I don’t exactly know the age that I put 2 and 2 together.  No one really told me where meat came from, at least how it came from a bird to a bucket.  I must have assumed that I was eating an already dead animal?    Like an apple that had fallen from a tree, I was partaking in eating the flesh of a fallen mammal perhaps?  I just remember listening to a story my Grandmother told me about how other people would cut the heads off chickens when she was a girl and they would run around headless until they fell over dead.  Apparently, this was a rather common practice.  Horrified, I thought, well this can’t go on today.
No, it didn’t.
It was much worse, but I didn’t know it at the time.
I looked down at my piece of Kentucky Fried Hell and became so violently ill.  Ill from guilt.  From enjoying my meal that another animal with eyes and a heart and skin died to be a part of at $5.
I vowed to go vegetarian.  I started reading everything I could, observing, asking questions, learning as much as I could so I could begin my assault into a world rather unfamiliar.  My aunts at the time were semi-vegetarian(they have gone back to being full fledged meat eaters since then, I no longer have respect for them) so I did learn enough to get started, get some background.
When I was 12, I had my last piece of cold Christmas ham and I was done.  And I mean done, no looking back.
From there, I gave up poultry, fish, animal tested products, and finally eggs and dairy.  I did it in stages, studied nutrition, learned about my body, and at 29, am the healthiest I’ve ever been.  I’m proud of the choices I make, knowing that I am making the most ecologically, financially, and ethically conscious decision available.
I wonder now how many parents haven’t told their kids where meat comes from and how it gets there, the gravity of the decision to take a life, and just how deplorable the current factory farm industry really is.
Something needs to change.
It has to.
I don’t see how the world can regain their humanity by eating the flesh of another.
I remember being in a Nutrition Class online at Macomb Community College.  My thesis for the semester was a debate, which diet is superior, vegetarian or omnivore?
Out of 31 students, I was the only vegetarian sided.  I was offered the option to change topics since it was so one sided.  I said no, however, I felt confident that I could win the debates.
The research I did made me more confident than ever before, I won’t go into the graphic details, but there are immense amounts of resources about the horrors of an omnivorous diet.  And I do mean the horrors.
Needless to say, I ended up winning EVERY SINGLE DEBATE.
I’ve paid my dues.
And I’m happy and grateful that you’ve decided to join me in my journey.

Cheese Conquered

So I gave in to my extreme PMS craving last night and ate some cheese.  But life’s too short for guilt so I just jumped back on the RAW food horse and continued on.


  1. I have sooo much energy which is lovely for work, errands, and housecleaning, but super detrimental towards my sleep.  However, when I’m tired, I’m out.  Like in 2 minutes.
  2. I’ve lost 8.8 lbs in 12 days.  A lovely feat I believe.
  3. I’m not having some of the PMS issues I was before like bloat and lower back pain and cramping, but I am having headaches and cravings and breakouts which I didn’t think would happen.  Super hormones.
  4. My joints feel more lubricated and I’m less sore in the morning.

Thus far it’s not too bad.  The cravings are getting rather dreadful and this being my last month of food stamps, I’m produce-ing up.  I just hope I look and feel totally bangin by my wedding, December 1st.

Today begins Course in Miracles classes and 21 day Abundance Meditation.  Spiritual November is officially underway!

A Short Preview of the Sheer Insanity Viewed by the General Public.

I, Jessica K*e*g*r (I don’t want any stalkers), have decided to become a raw foodie for 20 days in November.  And provided I don’t develop some strange disease, I plan to continue eating only raw for 2/3 of my days after that.

Self control.  Something I seem to only possess for a limited time frame.  Like that time I lost 40 lbs.  And that time I lost 30 lbs.  And that time I studied to become a personal trainer.  However, I can give myself some credit.  I’m an eco-conscious vegetarian who doesn’t purchase anything animal tested.  And that took commitment.  So my track record is about even.

So what’s going to be different this time?
What’s going to keep me from waking up at 1am and sneaking out to Taco Bell or from making my 7-11 coffee stop in the morning?
My husband?
My health?
My curiosity?
I think what’s going to be different is the fact that I am ready for a spiritual awakening, a core shattering life experience, and the desire to be a better human being, the best one I can possibly be at any given time.

So what am I anticipating?

1.A stronger immune system: Being a massage therapist, I am exposed to people’s germy faces all the time.  Close quarters, lots of sneezing, you get the yucky picture.  Last winter, I was sick for 3 months.  And I’m pretty sure I infected half the male population of Metro Detroit with my cold/flu/plague.  (Sorry mankind!)

2.Weight loss:  I can genuinely drop 30 lbs pretty quick.  But I plateau super quick.  So this time, no goal!  Whatever happens, happens.  My body will decide when it’s done losing weight, and I had better just be f*cking happy with it!

3.Better skin:  I’m a facialist and am constantly trying to improve my skin.  I am almost certain that I will develop pristine skin…..even though I’m doing pretty good as is.

4.A new appreciation for raw foodies everywhere:  I’ve done the studying and this is a commitment.  I admire those hardworking men and women in their fight against preservatives and processing.

5.Decreased migraines:  I do not want to go back on medication.  The end.

The Plan

  • No dairy
  • No eggs
  • No grains
  • No coffee
  • Tea, but sunbrewed
  • Organic, sulfite free red wine only
  • No sugar
  • Raw honey
  • Alkalined water primarily

I will be monitoring my progress, health, mental state, weight loss, etc……throughout the course of this blog.  I’ll take some pictures if there are improvements shown.  Stuff like that.

I think this is the perfect time to do this.  I’m doing an online, 21 day meditation course in November, starting Course in Miracles in November, and seeing Deepak Chopra at the end of November.  Month of spirituality.

Maybe it will turn into year of spirituality.

Or decade of spirituality.

Dream big.