The joy of chick peas…

I’m pretty sure when I was a kid, I didn’t give 2 hoots about chick peas, garbanzo beans, chi chi beans, whatever you’d like to call them.  But now, I can’t get enough.  When  I was 100% raw I’d sprout my own, which was far easier than I realized.  Now, I’ll roast them,  put them in salads, put them in pasta, etc.  I only purchase raw or organically canned with no preservatives other than salt water.  Regular canned are just not the same and always have to be rinsed like 80 times.  Here are some of my favorite chick pea recipes and ideas:

  • Roasted with olive oil, lemon, paprika, and salt.  400 degrees, about 20 minutes
  • As a protein vinaigrette with vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, garlic, chick peas, and walnuts
  • In their own salad with parsley, lemon juice, olive oil, feta cheese, and quinoa
  • Mixed in spaghetti with marinara sauce
  • In homemade potato salad
  • With scrambled eggs, onions, and mushrooms

Find your own ideas!  Yum yum yum!

Massaged Kale Salads

Are my favorite.
Anything I can toss in a bowl and leave, I’m very happy with. This one in particular:
1/2 lemon juice
1 Avocado
2 tbsp EVOO
Dash of Apple Cider Vinegar
Sea Salt to taste
Raw chopped Cashews

Mix mix mix.

Eat whenever. Kale salads always taste best to me after marinating together for 4-6 hours.